Thursday, July 29, 2010
a-dreaming again!
I'm not going to spoil the movie for you because that would just be sad. But I do suggest that you see it--preferably with someone that challenges you. I'm lucky to have Adam (and I think he's lucky to have me) because we both like discussing the movies that we've seen. We don't always agree, but I love that we pick up on different details, different themes, and even different meanings. And, wow, Inception gives you a LOT of things to discuss! (On a sad note, I haven't been able to remember my dreams for a couple of days now...but Adam has been taking up the dream-remembering/telling slack).
Very cool things about Inception:
Go see the movie! Then talk to me about it! (I figure spoilers can go in the comments section, so feel free to comment about the movie and your thoughts there.)
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
A Review of The Wizarding World of Harry Potter!

This review will be in seven installments: appearance, secrets, crowds (and how to deal with them), merchandise, food, lines, and rides. I wonder why I chose seven! ;)
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Appearance (also known as the HP and the Philosopher's Appearance): Magically fantastic! (Or fantastique, as Fleur would say.) The view of Hogwarts is simply amazing, and the inside is packed with small, unique, wonderfully wizardy details.
I enjoyed the cobblestone streets and shop exteriors in Hogsmeade, but nothing beats Hogwarts. It was huge, you can see it from outside the park, and the creators did a wonderful job of setting up a variety of locations that scream "perfect picture!!" I'm a fan. I've included a picture of Hogwarts, a picture of the entrance to Hogsmeade, and a picture of a lovely gargoyle standing in a very dangerous place over my husband's head. :)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Not Wycherley's China Shop
This post is actually about my Grandma and Grandpa Rademaker, my maternal grandparents. I was lucky that I had all four of my grandparents healthy and active until I was in my mid-twenties. When I was 25, my paternal grandmother died and my paternal grandfather passed away a few years later. I missed them, but I still had my maternal grandparents with me, so I never felt quite as lost as I do now. Growing up, I spent more time with and felt much more comfortable with and much closer Grandma and Grandpa Rademaker...and, although I loved my paternal grandparents, I just have more memories with my maternal grandparents. Grandma and Grandpa Rademaker spent oodles of time with me, my siblings, and my 6 cousins; we had camp-outs, cook-outs, canoeing trips, cruise trips, Easter egg hunts, countless holidays, card and game playing, many enlightening discussions, and just secure and encouraging love.
Whenever I would dream about getting married, Grandma and Grandpa were always there, walking down the aisle for the grandparents' procession, and oh-so-happy for me and my fictional husband. I also hoped that I would get a chance to show them some great grandchildren (produced by me)...especially after I saw how happy they were with Ethan (my sister's child) and Jacob (my cousin James's child).
But if there's one lesson that Grandma and Grandpa taught me, it's that you never know what will happen in life. My Grandma died from breast cancer in early October 2009. She had a lump, apparently, for a couple of years, but didn't want any cancer treatment. It slowly spread, but she didn't feel weak or hampered in any way until August of 2009. So I'm glad that she didn't suffer and that she passed away, as she wanted, in her house, on her time. I got engaged on October 31, 2009, but I had told Grandma that Adam and I were planning to get married. Plus, she and Grandpa had met Adam several times, so I'm so happy about that.
My Grandpa just wasn't the same without Grandma by his side. He was still the list-making, organized, thoughtful man he always was, but he wasn't afraid to show everybody that he just lost a piece of his heart forever when my Grandma died. The love he showed for her continually inspires me to be a better wife to Adam, better mom to Oliver, better daughter/sister/in law/etc. Grandpa's legs had been failing since 2008, so he wasn't able to be at my wedding on March 20, 2010 in Virginia. However, he got to see pictures, and he told me how pretty I looked in my wedding dress. I'll always cherish the loving words he said to me when I telephoned him on the morning of my wedding. Grandpa died in early June 2010; the doctors list his death as due to pneumonia, but my family and I know he was just ready to be with Grandma again.
My mom and her siblings are busy executing Grandpa and Grandma's will, but they took the time to be sure that my cousins, siblings, and I all had several things by which to remember our grandparents. At Grandpa's funeral, the pallbearers (my brother David and cousins James, Lee, Kevin, Martin, and Matt) all wore one of Grandpa's plaid shirts. It was a really moving tribute.

I received the bookshelves that my Grandpa built back in the 1960s (they're amazing!) and several other items. I really love the tea cup and saucer set with four-leaf clovers that I received. Grandma had red hair in her youth and Irish ancestry to back it up, so the delicate tea-and-saucer set just reminds me of her.

I was also lucky enough to receive Grandma and Grandpa's china set. Adam and I were engaged in October and married in March, but didn't even start planning the wedding until late January. We were married in a rush because I was (unexpectedly) done with school and we just wanted to start living our life together. That said, we registered for and receieved a host of wonderful wedding presents, but we didn't register for any china. When I told our respective moms that we just hadn't found any china we liked, they both understood (and left the topic alone), but I knew my Grandma would have heartily suggested that we keep looking. Adam and I found everyday china that we loved, but no china pattern jumped out at us. It wasn't that we disagreed on a pattern; we just agreed that we didn't like any china patterns. So we filed china away as something that we'd just get someday, if we ever wanted/needed some.
My mom suggested that I look at Grandma's china to see if I wanted it when we were in Fort Wayne for Grandpa's funeral. I looked at it and loved it! I remembered using it as a child at holidays and special occasions, but I hadn't remembered what it looked like because we had stopped using Grandma and Grandpa's house as the holiday gathering place when Grandpa got sick. It was always easier to just have get-togethers at my parents or my aunt and uncle's house. I had Adam look at it (while I held my breath, hoping he'd like it), and he loved it too! It's simple and sweet. Just white plates with a thin rim of silver, and what I think are cattails in gray and silver. It's very us: quaint and polished, with a little bit of whimsy. And I like to think that my grandparents would have described themselves, and their relationship, in just the same way.It's true that life doesn't work out the way we plan. I miss Grandma and Grandpa and wish they could have been there on my wedding day and that they could see the little ankle-biters that Adam and I will ( the future!) produce. But I never planned on having Grandma's china set either, and I think that makes the china even more special to me. It's the unexpected treasures that make you appreciate and enjoy life even more. When Adam and I were setting up the china, I had to go upstairs and just cry a little bit for how much I miss my grandparents. But I get to see a piece of them everyday now, and I get to share this lovely treasure with my treasure of a husband. Life doesn't work out as we plan, but it does work out to be a treasure. Thanks, Grandma and Grandpa. You're the best.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Cakes in Cups!

And here are some close-ups. I did make one special one: a take on the Brasilian flag, for my sweetheart Adam.

So, my question to you, dear readers: What types of cupcake themes would you recommend? If you suggest something, maybe I'll send you some to try! :)
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
If this be magic, let it be an art!
I picked it up spur-of-the-moment, hoping it could help us clean off some tough spots on the walls of the old apartment. I had tried to scrub said spots on previous cleaning days, so I walked up to the wall, Magic Eraser in hand, and I expected little to nothing. I received MAGIC! It erased everything! And it barely took any effort on my part!
Okay, I cannot believe that this post is about a cleaning product. I feel like such an old married lady. I hate cleaning, yet I post about cleaning products! I'm such a condundrum! (Or, maybe I'll just post about products that will make cleaning much that case, I should post about Adam more. He's such a good cleaning product! Bazinga!)
In more Cathy-ish news, I was hired today as an adjunct at Blue Ridge Community College. As of now, I'll teach one session of Composition in the Fall of 2010, but I'm hopeful that I may be able to pick up more sessions soon! Everyone at BRCC seemed really lovely and quite devoted to teaching, so that's brillant news!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Perchance to Dream
I'm lucky, though, because I do tend to remember my dreams. My husband rarely remembers his dreams, so I'm always giving him details of my dreams. However, maybe it's better not to remember your dreams. Years ago, I had a dream where my sister and I verbally dueled and she said some horrible things about me. That morning, I woke up angry at Annette and went through the whole day just being a bear to her. When she confronted me about it in the evening, I said that I was being mean because of what she had said to me previously. And then I proceeded to give all the details of the dream. Annette said that we hadn't had any such argument and then I remembered that it had been a dream. So, yes, dreams can make you be quite foolish! I'm lucky that she forgave me.
Anyway, last night I dreamt that I was a Supreme Court judge. I was the youngest one of course, and only a couple of the other judges liked me (the rest thought I was too young). We met in some sort of Gothic, old-school Catholic cathedral, and I remember resting on a pew after a long day of judging things. The oddest part was that we seemed to be judging people becuse they *wanted* to be executed, and we were seeing if they were worthy of being executed. Yeah...I told you I dream odd dreams!
So, I tried to apply a dream diagnosis this morning. Why was I dreaming about this situation, and how can it help me in my real life? Here are my thoughts: Right before I went up to bed last night, I saw a few snippets of the new Supreme Court judge that the Senate is checking. So maybe that's why Supreme Court stuff was in my head. The annoyance that I was too young probably stems from my frustation in looking for a job; I have experience and I'd be good at any number of positions, but I just haven't hd a bunch of opportunities to prove myself as yet. I like Catholic cathedrals, so that part is easy to understand, but my bed is much more comfortable than a I'm not sure about that yet! Finally, judging people who want to be executed. Umm, I have *no* idea about that! Anyone want to apply some diagnosis for that thought pattern? It could be fun! :)
Sorry for this random post, but I think dreaming can be quite splendid. And, as Albus Dumbledore said in HP7, "Just because it's happening inside your head , Harry, why on earth should that mean it's not real?" That's my mantra for today!