Thursday, November 18, 2010

We've been a bit sickly...

Sad to say, but I have succumbed to illness already this winter season. Last week, my throat started hurting, I had laryngitis for a day, then the sniffles and sinus pressure slowly built. I just tried to deal with it and do all my work (luckily, my students had their presentations these past couple of weeks, so that helped!). On Tuesday, Adam started to feel a tickle in his throat and, by Wednesday, he was so sick tat he couldn't go in to work. (And he was smart enough to realize that if I gave it to him, he must be contagious too....I feel like a Typhoid Mary.) I took a half-day off work yesterday, too, and we both rested. I think we're on the upswing, and Harry Potter tonight should help immensely! :)

My weirdest symptom, though, has been dizziness. The sinus pressure went away a few days ago, but I still get dizzy spells and some nausea. (No, I'm not pregnant.) If anyone has a suggestion on how to get rid of the dizziness, let me know. More sleep is what I'm banking on!



  1. Why is it when you get married and then get sick, your immediate response has to be "but I'm not pregnant"? Hope you and Adam get to feeling better soon!

  2. I know! I feel like I can't complain about nausea, otherwise I'll be inundated with people winking and saying "Oh, maybe a baby's on the way!" There's no pressure on my womb, is there? ;)

    Thanks for the good wishes! I hope your family stays safe and healthy!!
