Tuesday, August 23, 2011

It's my birthday!

I love my birthday....8/23....best date ever! :)

Here's some pics of me at varying ages celebrating my birthday! I wish I had more more my scanned pics on this computer, but I'll just be quick and funny with this post. I think, above all, you've gotta have a sense of humor. You'll probably see that humor/corniness all over the place here!

Me, age 28 (I think)...

Me, age 13ish???, when we took a summertime cruise with the whole family.
(I'm the one in the giant Hard Rock shirt with the too-big hat on my head.)

Me, age 31, just taken a few weeks ago, as I attempted to have a faux-modeling
session in my living room.

Me, age 8ish??, helping my cousins and siblings tie Grandpa to a tree.
(I'm the one trying to give bunny ears.)

Yay for 32 years! Can't wait for more!!