Sunday, December 4, 2011

A Forgotten Hallowe'en Post!

Oh dear. I completely forgot to load these pictures onto my computer! Well, we had a lovely Hallowe'en. Last year, one of Adam's administrator's suggested looking at Target for dog costumes on November 1st. So, we looked, found this outfit (for $1.50), and I've been waiting a year for Oliver to wear it. So, he went as a Roman chariot, carrying a little gladiator charioteer.

Oliver usually doesn't like costumes, but I think he liked this. It helped that the costume didn't require anything to put on his head. Instead, it just strapped around his body, and I think he liked it. He didn't even try to roll to move it off---maybe he wants to carry little people on his back? We'll have to test that out when Baby Copeland comes.  :)

I went as someone who didn't have a pulled-together costume, so I wore lots of skull-n-crossbones gear (yay, ChiO!) and my green cloak. Here's a clip of me walking my perfect little man! Don't mind the background noise; just appreciate how happy and adorable Oliver looks!

And, not to worry, I found another good find this November 1st. Since we'll have a crawler plus a dog, they can probably use the same type of costume. I'll probably let Oliver decide if he wants the Chariot costume or the new one.  Baby will be happy with either, right? heehee!

1 comment:

  1. hehe! It is cuter via video to see little gladiator man bobbling around on top of Oliver! Love it!
