Saturday, May 25, 2013

May 2013 Photoshoot

Last year, we had a wonderful photoshoot with our fantastically skilled sister-in-law, Laura Copeland.

This year, we wanted to have another photoshoot, so Adam asked one of his former students to photograph us. Leo Shuoda Wang, a native of China, did a spectacular job! Leo graduated in May and had worked as a JMU photgrapher. We had to catch him before he left for graduate school on a fun adventure! We are so lucky to know many people skilled with cameras! :)

We had our photoshoot this year in downtown Harrisonburg. The colors, background, and everything just seemed to work perfectly. Latham's hair, of course, can be credited with making the pictures even more fantastic.  ;)

I hope you enjoy our pictures!


  1. Aw, Latham is so cute! And so are you and Adam—first-time parents make me smile!

  2. Great pics!!! Latham is getting so big!

  3. How fortunate you've been to be blessed with great photographers for these extended shoots! WONDERFUL pix of all three of you! I love your dress!

  4. I second the "I love your dress!" Great pictures. I especially enjoy all the ones where you and Adam are enjoying watching Latham do his thing (that fourth one from the end is my. ALL. TIME. FAVE.)
