Yes, the 8th month just has it all. And, thanks to a strong sense of self (or an embarrassing degree of self-adulation) my favorite numbers have always been 8, 23, and 79 (my birthday...yeah, I'm not that creative). I do remember being a bit broken-hearted when I found out that October really was the "8th" month; my sister is an October birthday, and I was a little peaked to realize that she technically "owned" the 8th month. Luckily for me and my silliness, I love Roman history, so I appreciate Julius Caesar deciding to own his whole birth month...and his successor Caesar Augustus deciding to do the same. That kind of confidence and power is pretty amazing and amusing. I mean, let's not give Julius too much credit--he still should have watched out during the Ides of March and listened to his wife. However, both Julius and Augustus chose wonderful, hot, amazing months...and managed to continue a strong empire while they were at it.
History is simply grand. Also, while I'm in an odd mood, I love the "ae" of Caesar (though when it's actually joined together, that's the best...I just couldn't figure out to do the joined character for this post--does anyone know how?). I have often thought that I'd love to name a child something that joined those character. My thought was Aemalia (a combination of Amelia and Emilia), but I don't think Adam is so keen on that particular idea. Does anyone know some names (boy or girl) who use the "ae" character?
Finally, here's a picture taken a couple of years ago of some fabulous August birthday girls: Grandma, my cousin-in-law Mary, and me! :) Happy August!!!

I love "ae," too! I think people think I'm insane when I write about "aenemia" and "daemons."
ReplyDeleteI'm with you on the fresh notebook excitement. I start back teaching my Wednesday night ladies' class at church in September, but I've already gone out and bought the cutest little mini notebooks for each class member. (pinks, purples, paisleys...middle school kids all across Florence probably hate me beause I think I wiped out supplies in every Dollar General store in town!). I get so excited every fall at the thought of getting to start a new class...and I always want to go buy something. I figure it's a carryover from all the days of purchasing back to school supplies. Happy August!