On Friday, Adam's office had a Hallowe'en party, so I dressed up and brought Mr. Oliver with me. :) Adam went as U.K. Adam since he had several meetings that day. However, even though I had several meetings at the Arboretum, I still went crazy and went all-out Harry Potter. Gryffindor-red shirt, jeans, sneakers, green cloak, wand (from Ollivander's--natch!), scar, Hogwarts baseball cap, crazy wild hair. It's pretty great to be weird like me! Sometimes. Oliver went as a bat, courtesy of his DADDY who bought him the costume to please Mommy. Oliver wasn't amused, but he was cute.
Oliver is flying! Britain...here we come!!
Here are pictures of our Hallowe'en decorations:
Ghost lights above, Pumpkin lights on the side
My husband thought I had carved these pumpkins! Umm, they're plastic, and I've had then for 5 years. :)
Our picked pumpkins didn't get carved (too little time!), but they're still great decorations!
Don't worry...Rally for Sanity/Fear post coming soon!!
Oh my gosh!!! Evie went as a bat too!!! How weird is that?!