William Shakespeare:
Born April 23, 1564. Died April 23, 1616.
Best writer EVER.
Born April 23, 1564. Died April 23, 1616.
Best writer EVER.

I'm an American. Born and bred in the Midwest. But, jiminy crickets, I adore Mr. William Shakespeare. I wish I was British....sometimes, despite the lack of penicillin, internet, etc, I wish I lived in Renaissance England. Oh well, at least I can read his fabulous works!
I love reading his works, and I feel like I learn things (about love, supernatural creatures, hatred, adoration, jealousy, education, wine, laughter, faith, family, friends, and everything) everytime I pick up a Shakespearean work. I miss talking about Shakespeare with fellow scholars....and I often cry just thinking that I don't have the chance to study Shakespeare anymore. However, I try to raise my chin, and just appreciate the fact that I can read his works (and no idiotic professors can take that from me!) and that I know a-freaking-lot about the man, the works, and the passions within his plays. Shakespeare helps me be a better person, and I'm forever grateful that he graced the world with his talent. I'm trying to figure out how I can also impact the world. Thanks to Shakespeare, I have a great role model. Sure, some people might think I'm a bit crazy for looking up to someone who lived 400 years ago, but I don't really care. Go Shakespeare...you simply rock!
So, today, I celebrate his 447th birthday (and 395th deathday--in HP fashion)! We're having a relaxing, happy day. :)
Awesome post!