Friday, June 29, 2012

When I need to laugh...

So, we all have somebody/something to turn to when we are in need of a laugh. Usually my husband, The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, "Twelfth Night", and "Much Ado About Nothing" do the job quite well. But some days require a little more. And on those days, I have two go-to You Tube clips.

The short funny is the Grape Lady. I can barely breathe because of my laughter at the end. Oooww, ooowww. And those reporters barely holding it in and the end...oh, tis perfection.

The long funny is the literal version of 'Eclipse of the Heart." The original You Tube of the actual video with literal lyrics on top has been taken down, so you have to watch this one with the cat border. But it's still hilarious, so zoom camera under this arch...

These may not be your cup of tea, but I hope everyone can find a little something funny somewhere for their day today!


  1. The grape lady video is hilarious and a good reminder that cheaters never prosper!!

  2. We watched "Twelfth Night" last night - it took me a while to get into it, but it was pretty funny! This coming from someone who could have really used some subtitles to figure out what was happening... :)
