Monday, January 21, 2013

iChristmas Card...Copeland Edition

We thought about writing this Christmas card in binary code, but we didn’t want to make it too difficult for you humans to read. So, here’s a recap of the Copeland family’s year from our iPerspective. Yes, all the iDevices in this house have integrated across the wireless network to create a pretty amazing card. Everyone else seemed pretty sleep-deprived and didn't seem to be up to writing a Christmas card (hence the timing of this card...), so the iDevices stepped up to the plate! Plus, we’re basically the most important things in this house, so it’s time we showed that to the world.

Just a note, we usually refer to the users of our products as He Who Scrolls Often (Adam), Frustrated-By-Autocorrect (Cathy), The Drooler (Latham), and The Sniffer (Oliver), but, for you poor humans, we’ll simplify and call them by their human names. I swear, we make so many allowances for your puny brains!

Early in the year, Adam and Cathy closed on a gorgeous house. They seemed to think that having a baby, moving, setting up house, working, etc wasn’t enough on their plate, so they also filmed an episode of House Hunters. Why, oh, why, can’t these humans figure out how to just communicate via ESP? It would save us so much time. But our users’ episode should be online sometime, though you can check this page to see when re-runs might be.

A squalling baby enters your life, and what do Adam and Cathy do? Pick up their iProducts of course. They downloaded apps galore to keep track of feedings, to monitor diaper changes, to have white noise. Without us, they would have been lonely and bored during feedings and while putting him to sleep. They are even keeping the iPad in Latham’s room, basically just for the white noise! Steve Jobs never knew he created the most expensive sound machine in the world.

The pictures! Can we talk about the pictures! Our devices have never been so full of pictures. That kid gets photographed at all times. But, wow, is he photogenic!

That kid started grabbing things pretty early. And, of course, we’re about his favorite thing to grab. Yes, drool on the iPhone. We’re sophisticated machines, but that doesn’t matter to you! Put us on the ground and watch the kid crawl toward us. Sure, that’s not going to develop into anything bad, Mom. Our overlords have complimented us on seducing a young one into the land of technology, but, really, the kid did it on his own.

One would think that visits to Harrisonburg or by our Harrisonburg users would be simple. But, nope, texts, calls, and e-mails seem to abound. Humans like to plan, it seems. Many people visited Harrisonburg--both families (Grandma&Grandpa Blose, Gran & Grandaddy Copeland, Annette, Chris, Ethan, Eva, Anna, Craig, Bethany, Luke, and Laura), Sarah&Blake, Jen, Lauren, Hannah, Nick&Rachel (plus Evie & Bertie), Denise, and Carol. And our users visited Nashville (twice! once for the Morris-Kraemer wedding and once for Thanksgiving), D.C., Baltimore (so Cathy could tryout for Jeopardy), and Hanover (for Cathy’s 10-year college reunion).

In December, the three humans travelled to Disney World. So many pictures were taken, as our humans celebrated the Whyte-Robbins wedding! Adam and Cathy downloaded Disney apps and pretended like it was awesome to know the wait times for all the rides, even though the only roller coaster they rode was Expedition: Everest. They seemed pretty pleased to take Latham on Pirates of the Caribbean, Haunted Mansion, Kilimanjaro Safari, The Great Movie Ride, Buzz Lightyear, and more. And, of course, pictures were made with Mickey, Donald, the EPCOT golf ball, Cinderella’s Castle, the Tree of Life, the Sorcerer’s Hat, and everything else at Disney. I swear, they kept making that little kid smile and eat Cheerios and wave at everything. It’ll be a miracle if that kid doesn’t end up thinking he’s the center of the universe.

For all our intel through e-mail and texts, it seems that Adam still has the same job, as the International Study Center Director at James Madison University. Cathy is still teaching writing and rhetoric part-time as an adjunct at JMU. She reluctantly gave up her other part-time job at the Arboretum, but has enjoyed the extra time to spend with Latham. And, luckily, she can now show Latham all the best Arboretum hiking trails!

iEverything Else
Our users constantly talk about how blessed and grateful they are to have such wonderful friends in Harrisonburg. A big old group of friends (from Muhlenberg Lutheran Church and JMU) helped them move and paint and have given love&support as our users have transitioned into parenthood. The Campus Ministry students at Muhlenberg have babysat but, more importantly, have been so cheerful just to spend time with. Cathy has found many other Mom-friends through Reba’s class and, wow, they post to Facebook late into the night and early in the morning!

0000110101  [Haha! My best joke yet! Too bad you have to be an iDevice to get it!]

Our humans have great hope and excitement for the upcoming year! Please contact them by phone, e-mail, comments on Facebook, or however you want, but know that they love and appreciate all of you!