Saturday, March 16, 2013

Tough Winter?

I can't decide whether it's been a tough winter or a great one. I suppose the two aren't mutually exclusive. Latham has been growing, exploring, cruising, etc like a wild man. When I put lotion on him or change him, I can't believe how BIG he is. Yes, he still has a tiny body. But, ohmygoodness, he's gotten so much bigger than his birth day. And when I see him walking (albeit holding on to someone or something), I just can't believe how much he's changed over the first 11 months of his life.

But this has been a tough winter. Working, no family nearby (though both sets of grandparents will be coming for Latham's birthday in April!), and trying to always present an entertaining, educational, fun atomsphere for the little man. Not to mention Adam and I keeping each other sane and happy. Though I don't know if that's work or just smart.

I often feel like a failure. So much stuff to do and so little time to do it. I really miss the luxury of having family nearby. I find myself inordinately jealous of my sister (has two kids and lives 2 hours from my parents) and sister-in-law (pregnant with their first and 2 hours from BOTH her parents and my in-laws). Ugh. I know I shouldn't be jealous--and that's there's no use being jealous. But still. I am.

I am grateful for our church family, many of whom have watched Latham. And for other friends in Harrisonburg. And for other mom-friends in H'burg who also don't have family nearby and inspire me with their strength.

Anyway, I can't wait for it to get warm and nice, so I can go outside with Latham. Maybe the fresh air and sunshine will make me happier and will make me feel less like a failure and more like a person who has it all together. I am excited about planning/implementing Latham's First Birthday party---Disney style!

And I am so in love with my little man. Enjoy the pictures of my little ray of sunshine.

Oh, it's supposed to snow tomorrow. Double boo.


  1. So how about we bring Latham home with us after the bday party and give you a break for a week or two? :)

  2. Latham has the best mommy in the world! I'm excited for spring, too, and all the outdoor fun that comes with it.

  3. You sound like a perfectly normal mom to me. :)

  4. Teddy, I couldn't bear to part with him for a whole week, especially because then we'd miss seeing him on his actual birthday. But, we'd love for you to stay here for a week or two! :)
    Thanks Adam and Niki for your support!

  5. I thought about that. We'll figure something out to keep him when he's a tad older!
