Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Harvest Moon

No, I'm not talking about my husband's new favorite ale brand. And, I almost called this post "New Moon," but I became terrified that hoardes of teenagers might start a Jacob vs. Edward battle in my (relatively calm) section of cyberspace.

I'm talking about the Harvest Moon! Fall is here--crisp air, football, crunchy leaves, hot cider, pumpkins, bouquets of freshly sharpened pencils, etc. (Watch "You've Got Mail" if you're confused by my last reference.) Although it is a little too cold for my icy blood, I do love fall. I love fall fashions (yay for sweaters! and awesome boots!), and I love the spirit and excitement of the season. No holiday can beat Hallowe'en. Corn mazes and candy surround me. Fall rocks.

However, what I love most about fall is the Harvest Moon. Gazing at the moon always warms my heart; it's still, peaceful, omnipresent, eternally wise. On a crisp, clear fall day, the moon can light up the darkest night. If no one else is outside, it feels like the moon just shines for me. The Harvest Moon is special, though. It signals a new season, a new era, a new beginning, a new ending. It's at once the end of a growing season in the soil and the beginning of nutrition in the body. Perhaps I'm being too philosophical, but tonight is even more special because it's a New Moon as well.

A New Harvest Moon hasn't happened in almost 20 years. So, get out there, stare at the sky, and enjoy it. And I hope that you, like me, look at the moon and feel a little special. After all, it should just be shining for you. Let me know what you think.


  1. I will admire it tonight for sure after this post. Mmm, I love fall...

  2. You're having crisp, cool weather? We've gone about 90 days in the 90s as of today! Tonight it is supposed to rain and cool down - I think us North Carolinians may all freeze if the high is only in the 70s!
