Wednesday, September 1, 2010

When Teeth Fall Out...

Yikes. I had a wretched dream last night. In my dream, my two front bottom teeth, my left incisor, and another molar on my left side fell out. Ugh. And there was no apparent reason; I was talking and the teeth fell out! It was so disgusting that I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep for 20 minutes.

I had heard of other people dreaming about losing teeth, though I had never dreamt that particular dream before. So, I looked it up on a dream interpretation website, and apparently it means that the dreamer is entering new territory and is uncertain about how it will work out.

So, is my subconscious correct? Am I entering new territory? Umm, YEAH!

Last week, I started adjuncting at Blue Ridge Community College (BRCC). There, I have two freshman composition class with 52 total students. This week, I started adjuncting at James Madison University (JMU), where I have two composition classes totalling 44 students. And, finally, today I started a part-time position as an Education Coordinator at JMU's Arboretum. I'll be giving tours, coming up with educational programs, and trying to remember/learn all about botany. Whew. Add that to still working a bit at CrossKeys Vineyard, taking an online course to be considered for teaching online for Everest College, and still trying to spend time with Adam and Oliver. Oh my. No wonder my teeth (subconsciously) fell out! ;)

That said, I know that I'm SO super lucky to have all of these adjunct/part-time positions. I was so worried, and then a BUNCH of jobs just appeared like THANK YOU (random reader) for all the prayers, support, and happy wishes that you may have thrown my way. Who knows what will happen next semester, but think of me in a couple of weeks when I have 96 composition papers to grade! Luckily, I think my students are going to do GREAT; they seem quite intelligent! :)


  1. They got an amazing teacher -- I'm sure they'll be great. :)

  2. I agree with Adam, they are lucky to have you as a teacher. I am glad everything worked out for you!! And I think my dream job would be working for a vineyard, preferably the tasting room. :)

  3. Thanks Adam and Abby! :)
    Working at the vineyard was absolutely wonderful, but I liked giving tours and talking to the winemakers the best. The tasting room can get a little frustrating since everyone is tasting except you! :) That said, I feel pretty awesome about how my wine-knowledge has grown. It's a good excuse to buy more wine! yay!
