Sunday, December 26, 2010

Toboggan Time!

This Christmas, Adam and I decided to split our time betwixt two households as such: pre-Christmas and Christmas with my family in Indiana and then post-Christmas and New Year's celebrations with his family in Alabama. We're already having so much fun, but I thought I'd share one of our early adventures.

My sister and her husband were generous enough to let us steal my nephew for a few days, so my dad, my nephew Ethan, Adam, and I went tobogganing a few days ago. My husband, having grown up in areas of the world that did not consistently have snow, always called a "toboggan" what I would call a "hat." Although he knew the other meaning of the word, I was excited to show him the TRUE meaning of a toboggan!! :)

Pre-toboggan picture by the Christmas tree! We're all bundled up and ready to brave the cold.

Here we are waiting in line. I didn't take any pictures of the actual toboggan ride, but it's basically a giant sled (seen below) that slides down a pre-iced track. You go rather fast, of course, which makes it fun!

Here we are on the sled, about ready to be slid onto the track. I look silly, but everyone else looks good. It was my turn to ride in back (and fight off any goblins that may impede our speed, as I told Ethan).

We went 30 mph the first run, 36 mph on the 2nd and 3rd runs, and a whopping 37 mph on our last run! Lots of fun!! :) I highly recommend the toboggan run at Pokagon State Park anytime!!


  1. That sounds like so much fun! I would love to try it!

  2. Tobogganing at Pokagon is one of my favorite childhood traditions!
